YANG Wenqi

Date:2023-05-22 Source: Author: ClickVolume:

Wenqi Yang, whose academic interests address the fields of pragmatics and Japanese linguistics, has obtained her Doctoral Degree from the Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies (IMCTS) of Hokkaido University. She has been awarded the Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship from the Japan Government and the Heisei 27 Outstanding Student Award from IMCTS of Hokkaido University. After finishing her doctoral thesis, she worked at Hokkaido University, and was responsible for Chinese language classes. Now she is teaching at the SZTU with a lecturing focus on Elementary Japanese, College Japanese, and Japanese as a Second Foreign Language.

Selected Papers & Teaching Materials

1.An analysis of the Japanese Discourse Marker Nanka by procedural meaning,The Journal of International Media,Communication,and Tourism Studies. 2017 Mar (24):57-74.

2.An analysis of the Chinese Discourse MarkerZenmeshuoby procedural meaning,The Journal of International Media,Communication,and Tourism Studies. 2018 Mar (26):91-107.

3.The Procedural meaning and Prosody of The Japanese Discourse Marker nanka, The 35th Meeting of The English Linguistic Society of Japan, 2017 Nov., Tohoku University.

4.On Procedural Meaning: Cognitive constraint or activation? -Evidence from an analysis of the Japanese discourse marker Nanka-(first author)Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain, 2018 Sep., University of Sheffield.

5.How To Make Yourself Understood, Teaching Materials of Hokkaido University. (participated)

6.Selected Readings of Japanese Marine Literature, East China University of Science and Technology press. (joint)
